Turkey Legs Air Fried (get pdf)
I seldom if ever buy a turkey anymore, since there's only two of us, but I do occasionally get a free bonus turkey from the market. I will cut the turkey into legs, wings, thighs, and half breasts. I will then vacuum seal two each (except for half breasts) and freeze them. This gives me five individual meals, ready to cook. I will often use this recipe for any (except for the breasts), so apply as desired. This recipe will pertain to legs.
turkey legs
1 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon season salt or Adobo
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon red pepper powder
1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Mix all the dry ingredients together.
for coating
Using paper towels, dry turkey legs
2. Spray a light coat of oil onto the legs, and rub the oil in.
3. Rub the seasoning mix all over the legs, getting into any cervices or folds.
If the skin is loose, rub some underneath the skin.
4. Put legs into your air fryer pan, dish or rack, whatever your fryer handles.
5. Cook the legs at 400° for 20 minutes. Then turn the legs and cook for
another 20 minutes.
Note: different size legs may require different cook times. To be sure, use a quick read thermometer to check the internal temperature. The legs are done at 165°. The outside should be darkened and crispy.
Below: Plated turkey leg, turkey thighs