Bullwinkle's Corner source code
Bullwinkle's Corner BBS was one
of a kind. This was because the source code was NEVER published, released, or
shared. This kept the Corner unique among other bulletin boards. For the first
time ever, the Corner's source code is shared with the public.
A note about getting the TI code to the web:
I have developed a prototype package for transferring files from a TI to a PC
and from a PC to a TI. The transfer software is controlled completely from the
PC. I can even switch the TI drives I want to access from the PC. I intend to
eventually make this package available for a reasonable price. If you are interested
and wish to be notified when this package is complete, drop me an e-mail with
the link below. I will keep your name on file and e-mail you back when this
package is ready, and let you know what it will cost.
Bullwinkle's Corner consisted of quite a few modules. Each module is contained in it's own textbox below.
last assembly modification notes (S Clarke)
The main assembly code - routines to be accessed from the main modules
The main assembly code's core was written by Henry Carver. It was modified by Steve Clarke.
the file transfer assembly code
The file transfer assembly code was written by Michael Riccio and very slightly modified by Steve Clarke.
the onhook/offhook routines - connections and disconnections
The onhook/offhook routines were written by Alex Bayti. The electronics to respond to / control the software was built by Bill Blew.
the clock routines
The clock routines were written by James S. McCulloch for MBP, makers of the clock card used on the BBS.
initialization (load the assembly)
The initialization routines were written by S. Clarke
Bullwinkle's Corner BBS routines
The remainder of this code (Load, Logon, BoardA, BoardB, BoardC, Manager, Boggle, etc was written in TI Extended Basic with assembly code links (hybrid) for support.
the LOAD code - initialize the BBS
The LOAD code and menu code was written by S. Clarke
the LogOn code - wait for incoming call and get user information
The LogOn code was written by S. Clarke
BoardA - message base, activities
The BoardA code was written by S. Clarke with concept and design by S. Clarke and W. Blew
BoardB - games
The BoardB code was written by S. Clarke with concept and design by S. Clarke and W. Blew
BoardC - file transfers
The BoardC code was written by S. Clarke with concept and design by S. Clarke and W. Blew
Manager - BBS maintenance
The Manager code was written by S. Clarke with concept and design by S. Clarke and W. Blew
the Boggle board (a game)
The Boggle code was written by S. Clarke
The actual questions/answers for this game are not published here. This game can now be played on this site.